Generic Title #29

Behold, for I have finally finished DNAngel. xD Oh, the fluffy love and pretty boys. I’m like, ahead of schedule and shit for all my downloads, woohoo :D PMK 5 should be done in about 15 minutes, PoT 103 should finish sometime tomorrow if I decide to start that up again instead of getting music or something =3 Then PoT 123 should be out sometime tonight or tomorrow =3 LAST has their PoT 107 out but I’m gonna be a dork and wait for AO’s xP
I put my id to use for the first time today, woo xD; Walked my happy ass down to the store and bought meself a pack of cigarettes. xD; There goes my excecise for the week :P My legs are all sore and shit now. xP
Shiz. That’s what I forgot to do. I need to get up the uhh.. Momokai fanlisting and Shige fanlisting. BWA. Layouts and shit are already made.. just haven’t like, you know, uploaded and set up the stuff >.> *cough*

Oo. Must edit last long post too. Have to add stuff I forgot. Fuck it, I’ll do it here >=)

PoT 106
Ryoma trying to snatch the “sleeping” Inui’s glasses was probably the funniest thing I’ve seen all week. Inui even had a friggin BEAUTY MASK xD *snort* Running off now, ja baibai

One thought on “Generic Title #29”

  1. Aieee!! New OishixEiji layout!! *___* luv luv luv it!! o, i think i’m gonna download the Fuji album mp3’s =DDD

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