I fight the good fight against maggots

I missed posting yesterday thanks to a) wrist and b) roommate’s niece crashing for the night.

But as the title suggests, my roommate found an unpleasant thing this afternoon: maggots in our carpet. I was just clocking out for lunch when I got her text saying so, and after talking to one of my AGM’s she let me go home two hours early (so three hours after I got the text).

Roommate grabbed me from work, we swung by her sister’s place to drop her niece off, and then came home to … completely tear everywhere but the bedrooms (thus far) apart. We’ve bleached every surface we can, vacuumed four or five times, scrubbed the carpet, and presently have the couch up on end blocking off the dining room, because that’s where we dumped the first round of carpet powder that will hopefully kill the maggots and we don’t want the dog to get near it.

We do plan on pest bombing the place, but have to figure out a way to get the dog and the cat out for a day. After that we are absolutely going to get the carpets professionally cleaned because ew ew ew.

We have no idea where the maggots came from. We’re not the tidiest of people, but we both have a major “don’t leave food laying around” peeve … partially because the dog will also eat anything even remotely food-like. Google searches say it might be dampness in a wall somewhere, or something that has attracted the flies that laid the eggs.

In other news, my roommate and I definitely spent twenty minutes with a flyswatter and a binder chasing down the one single fly we could find–that bastard mocked us the whole time, and he was very, very sturdy–we both clipped him a few times and we stunned it once but couldn’t find it anywhere… and then it started crawling out and I just missed hitting it before it flew off again. Roommate managed to stun it again before we were able to finally squash it and send it to its watery grave down the garbage disposal.

LONG NIGHT I am sleepy. What even the hell, flies.


Yep, my wrist is very unhappy with me and thus tonight’s post is a simple photo from the womens’ room in the art building at my school, because what do you expect from art students stuck in a building with no heating or air conditioning.

Photo of sign in my art building's  restroom.
There has been different creative editing on every sign in every stall.

Study study

Though less actual studying and more attempting to finish up my project so I can turn it in in the morning. It has the potential to be a very long day tomorrow owing to possibly going into work right after for a 5-hour shift…which I will know later on this evening when I bother to check my voicemail and see if my manager wanted me to come in after school tomorrow or next Friday. He had asked me about a Friday a few days ago and said he’d let me know if my boss okay’d it, and I am always in need of more hours.

Didn’t hear anything from him, and when I stopped by work this morning to pick up the Delicious Cow care of my assistant manager I asked him which day it was … he couldn’t remember either, haha. Anyway, he called me earlier this afternoon and left a message, since I intelligently left my phone on silent in my bedroom while I spent most of the day in the living room. …Not sure what this has to do anything.

ANYWAY, I did get my cow, and asst. mgr. threw in a bottle of sparkling wine to go with it–something he’d picked up yesterday when my store marked down a bunch of alcohol and only had to pay $4 for a $35 bottle of wine. He was going to give it to another coworker but she in today and he didn’t feel like lugging it around. Good times all around!

A good day

Wherein “good day” really only means “not awful but not super fantastic, either”. Work was work; my assistant manager, some of my coworkers, and I all spent some time slacking off in the office (“on break”) eating junk food as said supervisor-type has a habit of handing us his debit card and/or phone with his google wallet account open and tells us to go buy drinks/snacks (today was my turn). A couple of sodas, a bag of peanut M&M’s, and a box of Mike & Ike’s later and we were almost ready to actually do work. He actually gave me a “that’s all you got?” when he noticed I only bought myself a bottle of soda.

Slacking gave way to discussions of meals, where he “bragged” about his delicious tri-tip fajitas he made the night before using some of the meat he’d purchased about a month ago–as with most grocery stores, ours majorly marks down meat that’s at or a day before its sell/freeze-by date and my assistant manager somehow managed to snag about 20 of them one day–for $2.50 each. And given that these are regularly $20+ cuts of meat … yes. He let me pick one to buy for myself when he bought them, and it was delicious. But I digress, as the point of this was to say that during this story he said he still had a bunch of them left, to which I replied “Damn, man, hook a sistah up!” “You working tomorrow? I’ll bring you one.” “No, but I can drop in.” “Cool, I’ll bring one. Text me when you’re on your way and I’ll pull it out of the cooler.”

It should be noted that this is this the same man whom while on vacation last year asked us to save him some boxes because his daughter was moving. Upon arriving to pick up said boxes, we (myself and the one other coworker in the department at the time) jokingly told him it would cost him a dollar a box. “How about a six pack of IPA.” “Sure, that works.” Lo and behold, ten minutes later he shows up in the back room with a six pack which was then stored in my coworker’s car until I got off that night, when he then gave me half of him in what probably looked like the shadiest deal ever–a fairly young-looking woman getting alcohol from a man very clearly in his 50’s out of the back of his car in a dark corner of a parking lot in one of the most ghetto parts of town, at somewhere around 11pm.

Once again I digress. Point being I get free delicious, delicious cow that I almost never buy because meat is generally stupidly expensive and I am a poor, broke college student. It’s sort of a running joke that I’m a vegetarian by necessity and not by choice, simply for the “meat is expensive” reason.

Other good work-news is that according to my most recent paystub (which shows up online a day before the check hits) shows that my problem with not being paid out for vacation time has been fixed. The really sad part is that I made more money not going to work than I do on an average work week (partially owing to school, which cuts into my hours).

In non-work-related news, I went out to dinner with my brother and sister-in-law after I got off tonight and had some delicious, delicious sushi. There’s a cute little Japanese restaurant a few blocks from my house that has really good food, so we hit it up. Caught up with them a bit, got caught up on various life happenings for other family members, and life is good.

The business with my wrist is still sort of there, but it seems to be calming down a bit–I’ve switched my brace to the right for work the last couple of days and it seems to be helping. It’s not as stiff as it was and icing seems to be helping, too. I may have just strained it a little too much working on projects for school. I plan on resting it as much as I can before I go to class tomorrow.

All that said, I am a tired human and should probably crawl into bed.

Still trying…

…to keep myself inactive enough hand-wise to not break myself more. I skipped out on class tonight so I wouldn’t be spending three hours with my hand in the same pinching position holding conte crayons. Probably going to have to take it fairly easy tomorrow and stick to working the front and perimeter areas of my department since the boxes they come in are lighter than most of the others and won’t cause as much strength.

On an unrelated note, might be going out to dinner with my brother and his wife after work tomorrow, so that’ll be fun if it happens.