And Jackie gets the cookie for the best explaination of the lyrics to a particular song ever. Observe (edited for length for AIM profiles however I no longer have the rest of it T_T)

Nori: things like “Try to kill me w/ the moon dance baby tonight”
Nori: prz enlighten me D:
Jackie: it means

O Jun :(

Yeah anyway, Akaya got his shot the other day, seems okay with it. His appt to be neutered + rabies shots is on the 11th, which makes me lol @ mum for making appts when I’ll be somewhere over… possibly Nebraska. With any luck after that he’ll stop carrying around and humping hats/blankets/any other fuzzy things (mildly glad my plushies and stuffed animals are either in boxes or on shelves >>).

Random love goes out to Nicca for sending me stuff. Bracelet to match Cris’ and a card and a pack of Djarum Blacks *_* Don’t smoke cloves often for the whole er they make your lungs bleed thing but damn do I love those things and fuck me if I buy them more than once every few years. My kid kills me with her love ♥ Must to be getting all my packages and such together to send people D:

Yargh my mouse batteries are dead and I have no more batteries D: So stuck using my tablet mouse until A) I get new batteries or B) I can get mum to tell me where she put my old mouse she’s been using on the laptop.

Been cleaning out the garage so S&J can fix it up and live in it while building their house on our other lot. Need to be waiting until they come up tomorrow I think with the truck so I can take all my tack to storage so it’s not all sitting outside getting destroyed. It’s beat up enough man, my saddle is older than I am and still probably in the best condition out of all of them. Have to get down to my aunt’s and go through her tack room since she’s got half the parts to my western saddles (back sinches, breastplates, most of my girths, etc) and we’re wanting to sell them.

Yargh really wanting to find a place to keep Sassy & Khisme where I don’t have to pay $200 a month per horse + feed and I can actually have friggin access to them. Aunt shouldn’t keep letting her daughter ride Sassy, that pony deserves a retirement damnit. She served me well when I was riding her and in her late 20’s I definately think she needs it. Plus to get my horses away from aunt’s crazy friends (and aunt) who keep going oh you should breed Khis/Sass to *some random stallion we’ve never seen*. Um, no. I’m not breeding anything until I have a place to keep them and am in a position to raise another baby. Yes, Khis is our foundation mare and no, I am not going to breed her to random stallions. I’m breeding her to who I want to breed to, because then I will know I am getting a good baby. >E


And to make this post a little more fun and include some fangirling, downloads! In the form of boybands and such.

1) Kitty GYM – Fever to Future – .mp3, 3,596 kb. Radio rip. I like this song, damnit, and when I have monies I will buy the cd when it comes out :D (Golf, Mike & Yamapi, yo. Can’t go wrong 8D)
2) [PV] Golf & Mike – Bounce – .mpg 33,945 kb. W/karaoke. This video is the most goddamn hilarious thing I’ve seen in ages XD
3) [PV] Super Junior – Dancing Out – .avi 153,350 kb. *gushes* Gah cute XD wth HeeChul.
4) [PV] Tackey & Tsubasa – Yume Monogatari – .mpeg 46,156 kb. One word: GAAAAAAAY.
5) [PV] SM Town – Red Sun – .wmv 34,810 kb. I think watching Typhoon (TRAX) do ghei boyband dancing makes this video worth it. Super Junior, DBSG, TRAX, BoA, Kangta & etc. Aka a bunch of fruity guys and girls singing a really fruity song in a really fruity video. :D
6) [PV] Arashi – Aozora Pedaru – .avi 122,340 kb. …I just like this video >>;

Any links don’t work, let me know. Post will be edited when files are removed (maybe) 8D EDIT: As of 08.29.06 downloads have been removed. COMMENTS if you download are muchly appreciated ♥ And direct linking makes DongHae cry. So save a pretty Korean boy from more crying, yusplz?

More unimportant stuff.

First, another new theme~ Imported from LJ, but I happened to like it :P The sidebar looks funky (anything wp-included) but at the moment I am too lazy to fix it. Because why fix what ain’t broke, even if it looks funny.

Another new page, as I decided to finally post my Winamp skins up somewhere besides LJ. So there’s two of them over there if you want to click that link over there (1 Matsumoto Jun, 1 Yamashita Tomohisa). A third is on the way once I stop procrastinating and finish the AVS & MB >> EDIT 08/17/06: Kirihara skin now included! In general skins will be posted to LWM first, so if you want to see the newest ones try checking there first :)

K’s 19th birthday was yesterday so he & dad came up. Which means more BBQing (since mum and I finally figured out how to get the grill going and keep it going… only took us 20 years >>). With COW RIBS. And they were tasty. Followed by strawberry shortcake, which was fantastico. And some of the giant ass batch of potato salad mum made me make yesterday hur. Dad left before I woke up but K was still here messing around on his new car he has parked here (’63 Nova). A little conversing and ways were parted.

The Higa Rival Players singles come out the 19th and sadly I have no monies for them yet D: *grabbypaws at* But I’m guessing that’s okay since my most recent buyingstuff spree included some of the older Rival Players cds I don’t have (Shinji, Saeki, Renji, Jackal&Marui + Yukimura). I can live without Higa cds in my paws for a month >.>; And super randomly I still ♥ Sanada’s Shou album 8D

On to other things coming out :O Radiata Stories manga on the 26th *_* Alright, I haven’t spammed this place with it yet but I’ve been playing the game lately and a;lkfjafk I frickin’ love it. Square-Enix once again has not let me down. The characters are so sarcastic and the art, while sort of cutesy and such is nice. And it’s fun to play. I think the only thing I don’t like about it is that if you (Jack) die, it’s a game over no matter what – even if all the rest of your party members are still perfectly fine. But other than that it’s A+

And also randomly because I feel the need to mention SuJu, here. Quite aware it’s old but that doesn’t make it any less amusing, and happy thoughts are good things to have; particularly with what all’s been going on lately. So it is with much love that I wish HeeChul a speedy recovery and offer my condolences to DongHae over his father’s death. Not that it really matters what a silly American fangirl thinks, but these guys are totally deserving of a break, man. So much bad luck lately D:

But yeah, not much going on as usual. Rping, messing around in Photoshop and dicking around with the JE TCG Jackie convinced me to join. < begin pimp > Countdown is the place to be, yo. Tell em Nori sent you and get me free cookies 8D < /end pimp >


The chapter of life stuff, mail, site stuff, and I hate fandom.

So, mum got a new job! Yay for once again having some sort of income in the house other than my few and far between workdays, though starting next week I think I have at least a week of work. Mum starts today at the assisted living center for the elderly down the street (which amuses me, her old job at the vet clinic was a 3 minute drive away, ~20 minute walk for me. New one I can walk there in about 8 minutes XD Like, you have to drive past it to get to my house hur. But yeah anyway, it seems like something she’ll enjoy with hours that she actually likes (2 pm to 10 pm – 8 hour shift of watching elderly people and getting hugs and coworkers she likes so far rather than a 10 hour shift of lugging bitchy/sick/injured animals around plus being on call with coworkers who made it all hell). Doesn’t pay much but me & mum are alike, if we enjoy our job we don’t care if we don’t get paid an exhorbarant amount. It’s enough to pay bills and have a little fun, good enough for us.

Another nice thing is that they’re looking for a volunteer for like some arts & crafts sort of thing down there so I might check it out. Something’s gotta be better than sitting on my ass in front of my computer 90% of the time (I admittedly have little to no social life outside the webbernets 8D)

Moving on! Mail the other day included my copies of Arashi’s Arashic, Kame & Pi’s (okay Shuji to Akira who cares) Seishun Amigo and DBSG’s Japanese single Begin.

I liked most of the tracks on Arashic, though the ones that seem to be on repeat the most are I Want Somebody and きっと大丈夫. They’re just er funky? The whole cd itself is like the perfect blend of lounge music, fun music and gay.

…Okay so Seishun Amigo I already liked the songs on and only really bought it so I could own the gay. However, despite liking songs, Kame’s 絆 always makes me want to cockblock him for sounding like such a goddamn emo bitch. 8D

High Time makes Begin worth having. It’s fun and bouncy while Begin is a little too ballady-slow for me — but it’s not a bad song.

Moving on again, False Advertising got a shiny new Pi layout (is it obvious it was originally going to go here?). And with that, the Tanaka Twins, Momo/Kaidou, and Dan Taichi fanlisitings are up for adoption. Check it out, yeah?

And finally, the bitching. I realized the other day why I generally stay on the outside of band fandoms. Because fans of a certain group can be even more cruel and vicious than anyone in an anime/tv show fandom could ever be.

Continue reading “The chapter of life stuff, mail, site stuff, and I hate fandom.”

Generic Title #70

There are still a few things that make me squeal with fangirly joy. Like the new Tenipuri Bromides.

I would kill for the following:

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You cannot tell me that’s not hot.

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Because it’s Bunta’s birthday today ♥ This one’s hot too >_>

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Buchou why must you be so hot ;_;

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The. Hat. The. Hat. The. Hat. Theyaresomarried.

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Because Saeki is damn hot. AND HE HAS MANBOOBS.

Tezuka, Fuji, Golden Pair, MomoTaka, Ryoma, Yuushi, Jirou, Sengoku, NiGyuu, etc.

I want to find a much, much better scan of the 28 one because Niou & Yagyuu are fucking hot and there had better be a friggin Kirihara one >.> Hopefully they’re doing like with the Ryoma one and each gets two cards *___*

/Fangirly joy

Must go to post office and pay for my Ruru-ness later.

Birthday piccu for Marui Bunta right about here.

Am done for now :D;

Generic Title #47

First off, I would like to welcome Mushroom and Bea to my blog ^^ Welcome to the insanity :P

Updated the whored with 5 new PoT doujinshi scans (or 9, if you count the fact one zip has 5 doujin in it) and rotated four more back in, so yeah. Enjoy. Also added new shitajiki scans :x

I think today will be a very rambling update.

Went to the dentist and finally got my crown, so Nori now has a gold molar. Got another filling too that my dentist did on a whim ‘coz I had a cavity in the tooth right next to the one that got crowned… all good though. Although, why is it that he never gives me anesthetic? XD The past 5 or so fillings he’s told he my teeth had to hurt like hell, then goes and drills and gives me fillings without numbing em? XD; Not that it hurt, but still. Gil’s a nice dentist, most of the work we get done on our teeth we do for a work trade and don’t have to pay him. This time around, crown was $850, and all we have to pay in cash is the $400 lab fee. It’s nice when your dentist used to work for your dad and is a family friend :x

Moving right along now to boring house/money type stuffs…
Got a washer and dryer so yeay, no more going to the laundromat. Only… went something like this. “Hey Lindsay, we’re getting a washer and dryer. Move all your shit out of your closet.” -___- So yeah, now all my clothes and stuff are sitting in the livingroom. -.- Hurrah.

Finally got the balls to ask my dad for help moneywise on the way back from the dentist, gonna talk to him more when I go to his place for work tomorrow. Hopefully he’ll agree to it. Basically it was me asking if he’d pay my rent till the end of the year (like, give me $100 a week), so I don’t have to freak out and get all stressed out over not being able to pay rent and bills while I’m looking for a new job, and that way I can save up a bit of money. Hopefully all goes well with that. Think he’s gonna front me the money to get a checking account, thank god.

Moving onto cosplay stuffs :D The pictures Al took of me for Cosplay.com at JTAF.. they’re horrible xD; Well, I look horrible ‘coz my hair was too long, was sunburned to all hell.. etc, etc, etc. He seems to get me at every con where I’m at my worst. xD; IE, wearing collars, piercings, no chest binds, etc. x3

Looks like I’ll be making AniMagic next weekend too, which is great. Karla, Kei & the rest of the cracked regulars are like, desperate for me to go and willing to pay my reg/hotel/etc ;o; So for that. More cosplay :D And I’ve got the biggest urge to cosplay Oshitari Yuushi. That is, if I could borrow someone’s Hyoutei jersey instead of just wearing my jacket, and if I didn’t cut my hair. I don’t have any problems with dying it blue, buuut. xD I need it for Kamio :x It could work too, ‘coz Sunny always cosplays Gakuto and she comes up to like, my chin. x3

But yes. Cosplay for AM. So far have set up, PA!verse Kamio, normal Kamio, Kisarazu Ryou, whatever else they throw me in.. haha. I want to cosplay ep 115 chibi baseball player All Stars Kamio xD; I think for Yaoicon me and Zellie are doing our jazzbunny!Kamio & Kajimoto x3

Need to get a wig for BR!Hiyoshi at Ycon and schoolboi!Hiyoshi at Fanime 05. Also need to get a wig for Saeki/Hatsuharu @_@ And pay Rue off for the rest of my Rikkai jersey so I can be a good buchou x3 Or just get scrubs and go as Hospital!Yukimura xD;

I think I’m done with cosplay babble now.

And now onto the spoilers of PoT chap 236-239

The following text contains SPOILERS for Prince of Tennis Genius 236 through 239 and AniPuri 149. Read at own risk, and beware of fangirling.

POT 236

Ryoma wins. Of course. Like there was any doubt, because Ryoma always freaking wins. Especially against the currently strongest damn player in the Kantou region. But that’s him. Blah blah blah, Sanada angst at losing, gets huffy. Blah blah blah “Champions of the past will play Nationals as the Challengers this year to reclaim our throne!” blah blah.

Onto the good stuff at the end of the chapter :D Fudoumine against Rokkaku, Tachibana against Saeki. My babies won! And so, Fudoumine takes third place in the finals, followed by Rokkaku, Yamabuki and Midoriyama.

*gasp!* And Chitose shows up after Tachibana’s match and goes like, yeah, blah blah blah this match sucked, blah blah blah weren’t you stronger than this last year, Kippei?

The end.

PoT 237
Starts off with the announcements for tournament placings. Seigaku first, Rikkai second, Fudoumine third, Rokkaku fourth, Yamabuki fifth, Midoriyama sixth.

Then go to a flashback from what Chitose says in the last chapter. Kamio goes into his ‘we’re not worthy’ spiel about Tachibana. Along the lines of “Of course he got weaker, he’s had to coach us without any other third years” blah blah blah “he doesn’t deserve to be stuck with us” blah blah blah “So we have to get stronger” Blah blah blah some more stuff,

Awards are given out, Sanada’s a pissy brat. He basically spits on the guys giving out awards and gets all pissy like, second is worthless, we are king, blah blah blah. Sanada, you’re fucking scary, man.

Blah blah more stuff.

Onto beach volleyball! Seigaku is invited to Rokkaku’s training camp. x3

The punishment for losing? Inui’s new creation. Inui Special Iwashi mizu.

And.. they’re one player short, Seigaku with 8, Rokkaku with 7. And Ojii starts stripping to play. xD

Shudou says spring water is good for you… and proceeds to drink Inui’s new creation, promptly passing out. Only then did Inui mention it was ‘Iwashi [sardine]’ mizu, and not iwashi mizu. x3

…at least it solved the one player short problem.

The teams? Echizen-Aoi, Kikumaru-Itsuki, Momoshiro-Kurobane, Inui-Kisarazu, Fuji-Saeki, Oishi-Kaidou.

The end.

PoT 238
Boring, boring, boring, beach volleyball, people lose, Fuji does a friggin Higuma Otoshi with a damn volleyball, Ryuzaki-sensei runs around in a two piece bathing suit (dear lord, save us now).

This chapter was just boring.

The end.

PoT 239
More beach volleyball. I think the only real highlight of this chapter was Inui’s naked ass. :D Care of Kisarazu Ryou. He like, jumped really high and Ryou was scared for him.. reached up to grab his shirt to steady him and ended up yanking off his shorts. xD; Ojii & Ryuzaki-sensei end up being a pair and whooping everyone’s butts it seems, all the people who half-died from Inui’s sardine water are like, all just waking up. xD Saeki’s like, crawling all smexy tiger like, and like, everyone’s all X__X, Inui’s lying in a fetal position NAKED, while Ryou is sitting off to the side staring at him. *dies*

This chapter cracked me up xD;

I think I’m done for now.

Oh wait, I have AniPuri fangirling to do.

AniPuri 149 (aka, Nori wants to do some SanAto fangirling and it isn’t worth the effort to do the next few eps)

So yes. Second half of the Sanada/Atobe vs. Cassidy/Lee match. Blah blah blah. Sanada and Atobe continue to defy the laws of physics, and apparently they go watch TANGO performances together as well.

Atobe’s pissed and being all “Ore-sama no bigi ni yoi na” and is all like, RAWWWWWWWR when his Hametsu e no Rondo doesn’t work against Billy. (Assuming you all know that Hametsu e no Rondo is Atobe’s super special two part smash.). Yeah. Sanada gets into a “I’m the manlier one!” fight with Michael and apparently float was cast on them, as they can stay suspended in air for long periods of time to pull off this supersonic hitting the ball back and forth. So yeah, the do that for a while, Sanada yells at Atobe for being an ass, blah blah blah.

And then, a lightbulb shines above their heads. If they watch tango dancing together, why not incorperate that into their tennis? So we get to see ghei tennis dancing. And Atobe sees the light and stops being a selfish arrogant bastard. And thus, Hametsu e no TANGO is born. If Hametsu e no Rondo didn’t work, why not add another person to the fray and try it that way?

“H.. hametsu e no rondo..?” “Annn… iie. Hametsu e no TANGO.”

My favourite part? “Ore-sama-tachi no bigi ni yoi na”

Atobe finally thinks about something besides himself :D

…Ok I think I’m done now :x

Next match is Kikumaru/Oshitari pair vs. Tom/Terry Griffey pair. Which they lost, all because the poor America Brotherand sister pair had an angsty past and they played the angst music. Looks like Mr. Baker (better known as, “YES, BOSS!”) bought Tom and Terry from their mom. But that’s just my not being able to understand half of what’s going on.