Life is still out to get me

Exhausted, sore, and still in a lot of pain. Covered in bruises and splinters and I’m fairly certain if I put anymore strain on my wrist I’m going to need to splint it again D: That said, with working for upwards of 16 hours a day for the past almost-week, we’re almost done – toss up the rest of the insulation (goddamn itchy stuff I think I’m allergic to), toss up the rest of the sheetrock, put recepticals in all the boxes, texture, paint, hook up water and that’s about it.

Today was spent running electrical wire, crawling under the house, digging trenches, throwing up sheetrock and uh that might be it. Short day for once, got in by midnight since S&J need to go to Santa Rosa tomorrow and I need to uh pack for my trip XD

My Super Seekrit project (that isn’t really super seekrit as it’s been online for well over a year if you know where to find it) is about half done – hopefully >> Probably be officially up before October if I can get everything working properly and 8D

And for some bitching. There’s a gal I know, and am friends with (at least I think so). The problem with said gal is that she is way too opinionated – if you don’t agree with her opinion, you’re wrong. She has a huge problem with people younger than her (like me, and she’s only about 3 years older). Which irritates me. She also seems to like to play favourites in things that favourites oughtn’t be played in – one example being scolding me for not doing something I said I might do if I had the time, and being ‘punished’ for not doing it when I had already said that I was working insane hours and would try to do so (aka, I said I was on hiatus, which I was. I said I’d try, and that if I didn’t, that was why. A good 3 days before I got my scolding.) Then I got bitched at for doing the other three things I was supposed to do and not the one other thing I said I might do.

Um, hello, bitch? I’ve been working goddamn near non-stop for the past week. The three things I did do, I either did before I started working, or during my whole 10 minute break around 11pm. You know what working from 7am-3am means? It means I do not have time to do some silly online thing that has no impact on the real world.

But yeah, apparently it’s okay for one of the other gals to say she can’t do it at the 11th hour, and it’s not okay for me to say I might if I have the time three days in advance. (No offense to other gal as I talk to her enough to know when she is working or going to be out of town.) It’s okay for her to do everything SHE was supposed to do like 30 seconds before I do the work, when we have deadlines which are the DAY BEFORE I do the work. It’s goddamn rediculous. This gal doesn’t seem to understand the real world outside of her little pampered bubble and it’s irritating as shit. Yes, I like her. Yes, I’d like to continue being friends with her. However I know how she is when people tell her what they think about her; given experience with her and my girl’s fall out about a year ago. She even bothered to friggin drag that out in the mud a year ago.

Guh. Fuck it. When I get back, totally going to email her ~_~.

With that, seriously must be sleeping @_@

The chapter of life stuff, mail, site stuff, and I hate fandom.

So, mum got a new job! Yay for once again having some sort of income in the house other than my few and far between workdays, though starting next week I think I have at least a week of work. Mum starts today at the assisted living center for the elderly down the street (which amuses me, her old job at the vet clinic was a 3 minute drive away, ~20 minute walk for me. New one I can walk there in about 8 minutes XD Like, you have to drive past it to get to my house hur. But yeah anyway, it seems like something she’ll enjoy with hours that she actually likes (2 pm to 10 pm – 8 hour shift of watching elderly people and getting hugs and coworkers she likes so far rather than a 10 hour shift of lugging bitchy/sick/injured animals around plus being on call with coworkers who made it all hell). Doesn’t pay much but me & mum are alike, if we enjoy our job we don’t care if we don’t get paid an exhorbarant amount. It’s enough to pay bills and have a little fun, good enough for us.

Another nice thing is that they’re looking for a volunteer for like some arts & crafts sort of thing down there so I might check it out. Something’s gotta be better than sitting on my ass in front of my computer 90% of the time (I admittedly have little to no social life outside the webbernets 8D)

Moving on! Mail the other day included my copies of Arashi’s Arashic, Kame & Pi’s (okay Shuji to Akira who cares) Seishun Amigo and DBSG’s Japanese single Begin.

I liked most of the tracks on Arashic, though the ones that seem to be on repeat the most are I Want Somebody and きっと大丈夫. They’re just er funky? The whole cd itself is like the perfect blend of lounge music, fun music and gay.

…Okay so Seishun Amigo I already liked the songs on and only really bought it so I could own the gay. However, despite liking songs, Kame’s 絆 always makes me want to cockblock him for sounding like such a goddamn emo bitch. 8D

High Time makes Begin worth having. It’s fun and bouncy while Begin is a little too ballady-slow for me — but it’s not a bad song.

Moving on again, False Advertising got a shiny new Pi layout (is it obvious it was originally going to go here?). And with that, the Tanaka Twins, Momo/Kaidou, and Dan Taichi fanlisitings are up for adoption. Check it out, yeah?

And finally, the bitching. I realized the other day why I generally stay on the outside of band fandoms. Because fans of a certain group can be even more cruel and vicious than anyone in an anime/tv show fandom could ever be.

Continue reading “The chapter of life stuff, mail, site stuff, and I hate fandom.”

Generic Title #68

Murrr… Not much to really say. Life goes on, that’s how it works. Worked a bit a few weeks ago, bought things, need to update sites, etc. Computer’s continuing to give me problems from hell, must reformat but need to get ahold of my brother and get the XP cd from him to do so -.-

Threw some random artstuffs on DA, woo.

Just feel kinda… blah lately. Not much to really do, I guess. New layout soon, maybe if I feel like it.

Really need to get myself out of this hump ~_~

Guess I’ll probably feel better when con season rolls in for good. If I’m lucky it’s looking like I’ll be hitting Fanime, (not sure but way possible) AKON, AX, (possibly) Otakon, JTAF, (Possibly) AM and Yaoicon this year. Go me. I’ll be completely flat broke.

This year’s costumes so far…
Kamio, Shinji, Hiyoshi, Niou, Yukimura, Ryou, Selphie, Envy, Shige. Those are just the definate/already done ones ~_~

I think I’m done now.

Generic Title #42

I really should update this more often x3 Livejournal has still eaten my brain. Need to update fanlisting links and stuff too >.>

Compy’s been being a dick. Came home from work yesterday to see that it randomly went on standby.. and it has this nasty habit of not coming back out >.> force restart didn’t work.. had to hit the power strip thingie then it went all wookie.. won’t let me go back to my usual resolution which pisses me off.

This week’s been kinda blah.. nearly had a breakdown at work, couldn’t concentrate and was getting really frustrated, ended up having to go home at 11 in the morning.. which sucks. Out of the 40 possible hours I could’ve worked, only got in 13 ~_~ Which really bites because I need to pay my damn rent and still have money for AX.. Gonna have to borrow money from my dad again ~_~ I hate borrowing money. GRR.

Got 5 fanlistings dumped on me.. Kiku can’t keep up with em anymore.. But it’s ok. I need to get off my ass and scanlate more stuff.. need to kick translators butts, etc.

Costumes are nearly complete.. got my wig and all that cut, got most of everything I need.. tomorrow night I shall be finishing sewing my Fudoumine track pants, and hopefully if my mom brings the iron, Rikkaidai-ifying my other shorts, and putting the Rikkai patch on my shirt for Schoolboi!Marui.

Goin out to Bodega Bay with my mum and Morgan and the dogs tomorrow, mebbe I should drag Sky along too. A nice relaxing day to hopefully get rid of all the stress from this week.

RPing has taken over my life, but who cares because it’s fun <3

Made another Prince of Tennis RP, looking for more players. Check out the Crack Shoppe for more info.. x3
… *runs away to finish rps x3*